Inspirational Quotes for the New Year
Can you believe it’s almost 2022?
For many of us, we look forward to putting 2021 behind us. We see 2022 as an opportunity to start fresh – “out with the old, in with the new” if you will. While our world is still in a bit of a challenge, a new year offers the opportunity to reset our lives and continue the pursuit of life, love and happiness.
To get your mind in the right frame of reference, here are a few of my favorite inspirational quotes for the new year!
“Confidence is a product of belief.”
While easier said than done in times of challenge, being confident can change a person’s whole demeanor and outlook on life. If you aren’t already confident, take time to do little things that will boost your self-esteem. Start with something as small as committing to a stylish outfit in the morning or purging your social network of negative people and replacing them with inspiring ones who will change a person’s view of themselves.
If you’re looking to be more confident in your daily productivity, some good advice would be to download a self-care app. This will help to plan out your day while allowing for space to achieve personal betterment as well as professional development. Remember, everything runs better when you unplug it once in a while – including you!
“See rejection as redirection.”
Remember, some things must end to make room for better things to begin. The life we have designed for ourselves is not what’s actually going to play out. My sister always told me, “Life is what happens while you’re making other plans.” Things won’t always go as you expect them to. Some will go better and other things will go worse.
It’s important to understand that while things may not have gone the way you would have liked them to, there will always be a silver lining if you look hard enough. This silver lining will not always make itself known immediately; it may take time, but in the long run you could be thankful something didn’t work out as planned.
“The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence.”
It’s important to leave the past where it belongs. Everyone has made mistakes or has regrets; you shouldn’t choose to dwell on them, but simply learn from them.
It’s okay to use the past as a reference for what you’re going to change and do present day, but if a person hangs on to bad feelings and events, those things are only going to make their way into the present and ruin the current opportunity for growth. The past is behind you, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it!
“If you need something to believe in, start with yourself.”
You are way more amazing than you believe yourself to be! It is never too late to start something, try something, or become something you have always wanted for your life. If not now, when?
Believing in yourself also has to do with having self-confidence and self-talk. If you think you can or you can’t – you’re right (Henry Ford), so determination and passion are critical in starting something we normally would deem impossible. Develop a well thought-out plan, course-correct as needed and don’t forget to enjoy the journey (trust me, I’ve learned that’s the most important part).
“Direction is more important than speed.”
This is the time of year we all put together our Dream Boards for the new year. For those who do not know what a Dream Board is, it’s a visual reminder of the reason and/or purpose of what gets you up and motivates you to work hard every day. I have kept all my dream boards over the past 15 years and while many of said goals have been achieved, some are a continual work in progress.
I just don’t sweat it. I am heading in the right direction – retirement being an example. While I’m not at that point today, keeping it front and center will help me to achieve that goal sooner than if I have no direction to follow or awareness that its important.
Simply put, be kind to yourself in regard to how quickly you accomplish some of your goals. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. If you rush something that deserves more time and care, the outcome of your goal may not be what you had expected or desired.
Then there’s the whole “keeping up with the Jones” pressure. If you’re feeling behind in comparison to friends, colleagues, or family, don’t sweat it too much. Each of us lives life at our own pace, so don’t let others influence yours. Many people are going nowhere fast.
My wish for you – may your life be fulfilling and joyous. May 2022 be a pivotal, empowering year – one that creates a feeling of achievement and pride. And don’t be afraid to give yourself a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) and allow yourself to dream big!
Cheers to a new year!
Sharon Hulce is President/CEO of Employment Resource Group, Inc. (ERG) based in Appleton, Wisconsin and a 25-year veteran of the Executive Search industry. Sharon is known in her industry as an innovation leader who works tirelessly on finding the right talent for her clients, while also focusing on the empowerment and retention of that talent. Sharon understands the emotional intelligence, competencies, knowledge and social interaction necessary to integrate new hires into a corporate culture for success. She recently was honored for her innovation as Management Recruiter International (MRI) Person of the Year.
Sharon has served on numerous boards including: Fox Valley Technical College, Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce, Fox Cities Performing Arts Center, Theda Clark Medical Foundation, YMCA of the Fox Valley and United Way. She has also been involved in many national boards throughout the staffing industry and is a proud member of The Pinnacle Society, a consortium of the top 80 recruiters in the country. Sharon is a sought-after speaker, sharing her thought leadership at countless corporate presentations, national conferences and even a TEDx talk. She has received many awards for her work and recently became a Forbes published author of her first book, “A Well Done Professional Midlife Crisis” available on Amazon or SharonHulce.com.